Wednesday, 5 October 2011

15 rated

If a film is rated a 15 then no one under that age can see it. For a film to be rated a 15 then it must abide by some rules.

 First of all it must not include discriminating language or behavior.

 If drug taking is being shown then it must not encourage drug misuse, if there are elements of dangerous substances being misused then it is unlikely to be acceptable.

15 rated films can be horror however only light horror such as a strong threat or menace, if anything sadistic or sexualised is shown it can not be a 15. Also things such as hanging, suicide and self harming can be shown but should not be shown in detail so that it could be copied by the audience.

There is allowed to be frequent use of strong language but the strongest words can only be used if it is justified by the context, and repeated use of the strongest language is not acceptable.

Nudity is allowed but without strong detail. There are no constraints of nudity in a non sexual or educational context.

Also sexual activity can be shown but again not in strong detail. Strong verbal references to sexual behavior can be used but the strongest references would not be allowed. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.

Violence in 15 rated films can be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images, and strong sadistic or sexualised violence are probably unlikely to be accepted. Detailed verbal references to sexual violence can be used but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification.

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