The process of film making is to first research and discover whta people are wanting to see at that time. Next is to decide on the genre and what film you are going to make. You have to decide on characters, setting, plot, etc. Also we have tyo keep in mind that to keep audience interested we have to keep the film familiar but have original elements aswell. Therefore when making the film, research will have to be done on the different genres that you are going to do so that there will be the conventions of that genre in it.
I am going to take what i have learnt into my teamwork next week. This will be to make sure to research alot more, this means research the genres we are actually going to be doing, but also before that, research the genres that i dont already know so that we can have a bigger choice into what kind of sub genres or hybrids we are going to do. I have also learnt that when doing an audience survey we should not just ask them what genre they like but also more general questions such as what storylines and characters they like. This will all help me with the coursework that we are going to start next week.